Thursday, February 26, 2009

Cure for Energetic/Figity Students

Ben Garvin for The New York Times
I heard this story on World New Tonight a few days ago and just loved it. I wanted to put something about it on my blog and couldn't find it on the internet until my reader found it for me. There was an article on one of my subscriptions about the story. I think most all teachers have at one time placed an energetic student with what I call "tigger disease," on the back row so they could stand up and do their work. This teacher on the story has taken it a gigantic step further. Pictured is a version of student desk that she designed. It is so cool. They can sit. They can stand. They can fidgit. They can put their feet on the foot ledge and it swings. If I could have a never ending supply of graphite spray, I would love these desks!!!


  1. Wow! How cool is that!! I love that you were looking for it, and it showed up in your reader. I've had that happen on many occasions, so it's like a little present. I wonder if they could work a desk like this into a child's IEP? I know of many of my students who could have benefited from it.

  2. Hello Jessica! I love these desks as well!! I remember watching an episode of CBS's Sunday Morning (I noticed that in a previous post of yours--are you a fan, too?) and the topic had to do with how much we all sit. It was a while back, but I think the guest on the show said that we think better when standing, and even better when moving. In fact, he conducts all his business everyday while on a treadmill set to a very low speed. He walks all day long! That's a bit extreme for me and my students, but the idea of having a workspace like the one above for my students has always intrigued me. I'm glad I saw your post! Also, glad to know that you are a Twilight addict!! My kids just listened to the soundtrack as they took their prepositions test. : )

  3. I have not been able to see the movie and can not wait until the movie comes out on DVD.

    I think the desks were created with the thought of helping kids loose weight. I like the idea because I have had students who didn't seem to be able to think without standing. I'm constantly telling someone in my 6th segment (a class of 20 boys and 8 girls) to sit down. I honestly don't care if they stand; I just have a problem with the constant wandering. Our school actually has piloted two single-sex classrooms and I have learned a lot just from trying to learn the differences between girls and boys, and how they learn.
