I did know about Google Docs before this class, but I had just no really started to find uses for them recently. When I first learned about Google Docs, I didn't really see a need for them, but now I use them daily. Below is a list of ways I have used Google Docs:
- I keep my format for Sub Notes on Google Docs so I can always access it and so all I have to do is change the assignments each time.
- I created a form to collect information in order to export student information into our Math Assessment System.
- I created a form for the Professional Learning Evaluation that everyone does at the end of the class.
- Students with a Google Account were able (with no problems) to turn in their math term papers. Note: Those who emailed had a lot of problems.
- I use the spreadsheet to keep up with our staff's professional learning hours completed at the school.
- I use a spreadsheet with only two columns to list off all of my students vocabulary words. From there, I am able to upload them to various websites and then link those sites to our class wiki for students to study.
- I monitor my blood pressure as well on Google Docs.
It's great that you're already a die hard Google Docs user. This just makes sense to me to keep my documents online. They're safer there than just about anywhere else in my opinion, not to mention easily shared when needed as well!