Hello, all. My name is Jessica Tipton. I am a 7th grade math teacher at WBMS, and I have fallen in love with Web 2.0. I am the newest self-proclaimed computer geek at our school. This is my 6th year of teaching. I spent two years teaching in Newton County: one as a 6th grade science teacher (when it was still physical science) and one as a 6th grade math teacher (the year that GPS rolled out). My first two years in Barrow County were in 6th grade math and I didn't think I would ever leave my 6th grade babies. Since then, I have taught 7th grade math and love the 7th graders even more. I have been the professional learning coordinator for our school for the past two years. This year I am one of the co-coordinators for Classworks at our school, I am tutoring 3 mornings a week (1 for the WBMS Archery Team and 2 for a student), and I am determined to write at least one grant this year. That was my goal last year, but I didn't make it.
I have a husband, Lance, who is a police officer, and two children. My daughter Anna Marie will be 7 in April and is in first grade at YES. My son Landon will be 3 in November and goes to daycare near our home. We also have two crazy cats. Well...one is normal, that 's Dora (the calm well behaved cat). Then there's Riley. He is a stray kitten that was brought home by my husband from a Clark County Fire Department. Riley gets into everything. I think I have to correct that cat more than both children combined. He is a thief who loves straws and q-tips. I find the most random things moved around my house that have been moved by Riley.
Finally, I love Web 2.0! I took a 1 day class of Caroline's and then took the first 23 Things course she offered. I couldn't wait to do each "Thing" and was normally the first person to do each one. I am also utilizing Web 2.0 in my classroom. I have a class assignments blog, a class wiki, and use a lot of free programs with my students. This year, I am in the process of creating ePal accounts for all of my students. ePals is a company that makes it possible for teachers to create email accounts and blogs for all of my students...and keep a handle on all of them to make sure everything being typed is appropriate.
One final note: If you think your students or kids can't do something on a computer, they have probably already done it. They are growing up in this world of Web 2.0. I don't know what to equate it to for our generation, but they know all about it.