Friday, April 10, 2009

Thing 11

I like working with the pictures to make a slide show. I can think of so many thing to do with this, both personal and professional. Though, I don't know what site I like the best. I started with BubbleShare and it has a lot of neat things to add to pictures, but I really couldn't find a use for them.

BubbleShare: Share photos - Easy Photo Sharing

Then, I tried Slide and that one was a little better for me.

Again, I can think of a lot of uses, but I don't think I've found the best site for me. Also, I hope my next slide show is much more creative.


  1. I have to agree that Bubbleshare is NOT my favorite site. is much more fun and to me easier to use. Great job!

  2. Oh, no! You missed the funny part. I didn't realize that automatically attached music to your slide show, because I always keep my volume off. I first posted my slide show with a very inappropriate song attached to it. I figured this out when I was showing it to my husband one night. He of course thought it was absolutely hilarious.
