A School Using Web 2.0
A Dream
I think I would be in my own personal dream land if I taught in a school like the one in “A Day in the Life of Web 2.0” by David Warlick. Kids are using technology (something they will need to know how to use in their careers) to help them learn how to communicate (something else they have to learn) about what they are learning in class (math, science, social studies, language arts). I know there are down sides to this. But honestly, how can the cons possibly outweigh the pros?
Kids are always telling us that class is boring no matter how much fun we try to pump into each lesson. Let’s face is…they are growing up in a different time. I was born in 1980, which may or may not be after you were (and that is neither here or there), and since then we have gone from toys that don’t make noise, to toys that make noise, to electronic toys, to cassette tapes, to walkmans, to dicsmans, to i-Pods and MP3s. No wonder we can’t get kids to tune into our lessons…we are boring in comparison. But if we could integrate all of that technology into our lessons, then we would have them on our side. We are always being told that we can only teach the students we have and that we have to meet them where they are. That’s what we have to do.
There’s always a down side!!!
There is always a down side. A classroom/school like the one in “A Day in the Life of Web 2.0” by David Warlick has more than one down side. First of all, to have the technology, you have to have money to buy the technology. As the kids say, “Nuff said!” We are down to our last barrel of ink….we don’t have money for all of this stuff. Then, there is the problem of maintaining the technology when it breaks or needs updating. The teachers would need training not only on the technology itself, but also on how to utilize it as a classroom learning tool. The kids would need training on how to use the technology and then they would need years of examples of when to use each one. The think is…this is what we are headed to, and that is wonderful. I just don’t think anyone dreamed that technology would make it this far and I don’t think anyone is prepared.
I can’t wait until we are ready, though!!!
password: school
"and since then we have gone from toys that don’t make noise, to toys that make noise, to electronic toys, to cassette tapes, to walkmans, to dicsmans, to i-Pods and MP3s. No wonder we can’t get kids to tune into our lessons…we are boring in comparison."
ReplyDeleteWow! I love the sample technology time line you laid out there. Even though we might hate to admit it, yes, we are boring in comparison. We can't continue to teach as we were taught because that doesn't reach today's students. It's vital that we meet them on their "turf", so to speak, as much as possible.
And yes, there are always downsides (insert *sigh* here). However, we can begin to overcome these downsides by injecting small doses of technology into our teaching practices. As I tell my own sons, don't bite off more than you can comfortably chew, the same holds true for incorporating these great Web 2.0 tools. Take baby steps and see what is do-able. We'll explore this more in this class. Even with one computer, a lot can be accomplished.
Great post!
I only have one computer, no white board, no smart board, don't even have a 'real' classroom. :) I am stuck in a closet to teach this year. So, when you brought this up I was eager to respond. I agree!! There is a downside to not being able to purchase a computer for every child, etc., however I have watched them take the things that I have taught them about web 2.0 home and use them there! I was so exicted to hear that even my students who did not have a computer at home were going next door or to the library so that they could check to see what everyone was talking about at night. I do not have the computers or space to use 2.0 much here at school, but they took the ideas that I introduced at school and ran with them!
ReplyDeleteYou should checkout Chuck's blog Thing 1B. Read the discussion. He has really optimized the use of what he has in his classroom. You could very easily double or triple your web 2.0 and technology capabilities. It is so cool. Check out his website, also.